
Talang - our lispy rule interpreter at Talon.one

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Embedded Functions

!(String, Any…)Any

Resolve a template

(! Template1)                                                    ; executes the Template1
(! Template2 "Hello World")                                      ; executes Template2 with "Hello World" as parameter

!=(Atom, Atom, Atom…)Boolean

Tests if the arguments are not the same

(!= 1 1)                                                         ; compares decimals, returns false
(!= "Hello World" "Hello World")                                 ; compares strings, returns false
(!= true true)                                                   ; compares booleans, returns false
(!= 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)                   ; compares time, returns false
(!= 1 "1")                                                       ; returns false
(!= "Hello" "Bye")                                               ; returns true
(!= "Hello" "Hello" "Bye")                                       ; returns false

*(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Decimal

Multiplies the arguments

(* 1 2)                                                          ; returns 2
(* 1 2 3)                                                        ; returns 6

+(String, String, String…)String

Concat strings

(+ "Hello" " " "World")                                          ; returns "Hello World"
(+ "Hello" " " (toString (+ 1 2)))                               ; returns "Hello 3"

+(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Decimal

Adds the arguments

(+ 1 1)                                                          ; returns 2
(+ 1 2 3)                                                        ; returns 6

-(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Decimal

Subtracts the arguments

(- 1 1)                                                          ; returns 0
(- 1 2 3)                                                        ; returns -4

.(Atom, Atom…)Any

Access a variable in the binding

(. Key1)                                                         ; returns the data assigned to Key1
(. Key2 SubKey1)                                                 ; returns the data assigned to SubKey1 in the Map Key2

.|(Any, Token)Any

Safe read a binding

.| boo (. List)                                                  ; returns "XJK_992" (assuming $List = "XJK_992")
.| boo (. Meh)                                                   ; returns "boo" (assuming $Meh is not set)

/(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Decimal

Divides the arguments

(/ 1 2)                                                          ; returns 0.5
(/ 1 2 3)                                                        ; returns 0.166666

<(Time, Time, Time…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is less then the following

(< 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                    ; returns true
(< 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                    ; returns false
(< 2008-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                    ; returns false

<(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is less then the following

(< 0 1)                                                          ; returns true
(< 1 1)                                                          ; returns false
(< 2 1)                                                          ; returns false

<=(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is less or equal then the following

(<= 0 1)                                                         ; returns true
(<= 1 1)                                                         ; returns true
(<= 2 1)                                                         ; returns false

<=(Time, Time, Time…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is less or equal then the following

(<= 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                   ; returns true
(<= 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                   ; returns true
(<= 2008-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                   ; returns false

=(Atom, Atom, Atom…)Boolean

Tests if the arguments are the same

(= 1 1)                                                          ; compares decimals, returns true
(= "Hello World" "Hello World")                                  ; compares strings, returns true
(= true true)                                                    ; compares booleans, returns true
(= 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)                    ; compares time, returns true
(= 1 "1")                                                        ; returns true
(= "Hello" "Bye")                                                ; returns false
(= "Hello" "Hello" "Bye")                                        ; returns false

>(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is greather then the following

(> 0 1)                                                          ; returns false
(> 1 1)                                                          ; returns false
(> 2 1)                                                          ; returns true

>(Time, Time, Time…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is greather then the following

(> 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                    ; returns false
(> 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                    ; returns false
(> 2008-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                    ; returns true

>=(Time, Time, Time…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is greather or equal then the following

(>= 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                   ; returns false
(>= 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                   ; returns true
(>= 2008-01-02T15:04:05Z 2007-01-02T15:04:05Z)                   ; returns true

>=(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Boolean

Tests if the first argument is greather or equal then the following

(>= 0 1)                                                         ; returns false
(>= 1 1)                                                         ; returns true
(>= 2 1)                                                         ; returns true

addDuration(Time, Decimal, String)Time

Extract days from now from time

(addDuration 2018-03-18T00:04:05Z 3 minutes)                     ; returns "2018-03-18T00:07:05Z"
(addDuration 2018-03-18T00:04:05Z 2 hours)                       ; returns "2018-03-18T02:04:05Z"
(addDuration 2018-03-18T00:04:05Z 18 days)                       ; returns "2018-04-05T00:04:05Z"

after(Time, Time)Boolean

Checks whether time A is after B

(after 2006-01-02T19:04:05Z 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)               ; returns "true"
(after 2006-01-01T19:04:05Z 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)               ; returns "false"


Evaluates whether a series of predicates are all true

(and false (> 2 1))                                              ; returns true
(and false false)                                                ; returns false

append(List, Collection|Atom, Collection|Atom…)List

Adds an item to the list and returns the list

(append (list "Hello World" "Hello Universe") "Hello Human")     ; returns a list containing "Hello World", "Hello Universe" and "Hello Human"
(append (list 1 2) 3 4)                                          ; returns a list containing 1, 2, 3 and 4

before(Time, Time)Boolean

Checks whether time A is before B

(before 2006-01-02T19:04:05Z 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)              ; returns "false"
(before 2006-01-01T19:04:05Z 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)              ; returns "true"

between(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Boolean

Tests if the arguments are between the second last and the last argument

(between 1 0 3)                                                  ; returns true, (1 is between 0 and 3)
(between 1 2 0 3)                                                ; returns true, (1 and 2 are between 0 and 3)
(between 0 0 2)                                                  ; returns false
(between 2 0 2)                                                  ; returns false
(between 1 4 0 3)                                                ; returns false, (1 is between 0 and 3, 4 is not)

between(Time, Time, Time, Time…)Boolean

Tests if the arguments are between the second last and the last argument

(between 2007-01-02T00:00:00Z 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z 2009-01-02T00:00:00Z)                        ; returns true, (2007-01-02T00:00:00Z is between 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z and 3)
(between 2007-01-02T00:00:00Z 2008-01-02T00:00:00Z 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z 2009-01-02T00:00:00Z)   ; returns true, (2007-01-02T00:00:00Z and 2008-01-02T00:00:00Z are between 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z and 2009-01-02T00:00:00Z)
(between 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z 2008-01-02T00:00:00Z)                        ; returns false
(between 2008-01-02T00:00:00Z 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z 2008-01-02T00:00:00Z)                        ; returns false
(between 2007-01-02T00:00:00Z 2010-01-02T00:00:00Z 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z 2009-01-02T00:00:00Z)   ; returns false, (2007-01-02T00:00:00Z is between 2006-01-02T00:00:00Z and 2009-01-02T00:00:00Z, 2010-01-02T00:00:00Z is not)

betweenTimes(Time, Time, Time)Boolean

Evaluates whether a timestamp is between minTime and maxTime

(betweenTimes 2006-01-02T19:04:05Z 2006-01-01T15:04:05Z 2006-01-03T19:04:05Z)                                ; returns "false"
(betweenTimes 2006-01-01T19:04:05Z 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z 2006-01-03T19:04:05Z)                                ; returns "true"

catch(Any, Any)Any

Evaluate & return the second argument. If any errors occur, return the first argument instead

catch "Edward" (. Profile Name)                                  ; returns "Edward"
catch 22 (. Profile Age)                                         ; returns 46
catch 22 2                                                       ; returns 22


Ceil the decimal argument

(ceil 2)                                                         ; returns 2
(ceil 2.4)                                                       ; returns 3
(ceil 2.5)                                                       ; returns 3
(ceil 2.9)                                                       ; returns 3
(ceil -2.7)                                                      ; returns -2
(ceil -2)                                                        ; returns -2

concat(String, String, String…)String

Concat strings

(+ "Hello" " " "World")                                          ; returns "Hello World"
(+ "Hello" " " (toString (+ 1 2)))                               ; returns "Hello 3"

contains(String, String, String…)Boolean

Returns wether the first argument exists in the following arguments

(contains "Hello" "Hello World")                                 ; returns true
(contains "Hello" "World")                                       ; returns false
(contains "Hello" "Hello World" "Hello Universe")                ; returns true
(contains "World" "Hello World" "Hello Universe")                ; returns false


Return the number of items in the input list

(count (list 1 2 3 4))                                           ; returns "4"
(count (list 1))                                                 ; returns "1"


Extract the date in YYYY-MM-DD format from a time.

(betweenTimes 2006-01-02T19:04:05Z 2006-01-01T15:04:05Z 2006-01-03T19:04:05Z)                                ; returns "false"


Extract days from now from time

(days 2018-03-18T00:04:05Z)                                      ; returns "3.423892107645601701193527333089150488376617431640625" results vary as the function is relative to the current date.

daysBetween(Time, Time)Decimal

Calculates the difference in days between 2 dates

daysBetween 2006-01-02T19:04:05Z 2006-01-02T22:19:05Z            ; returns "0.13541666666666666"

do(Collection|Atom, Token)Any

Apply a block to a value

do (list 1 2 3) ((Item) (. Item)))                               ; returns 1 2 3

do(Collection|Atom, String, Token)Any

Apply a block to a value

do (list 1 2 3) Item (. Item))                                   ; returns 1 2 3


Create a list containing all but the last item in the input list

(drop (list "Hello World" "Hello Universe"))                     ; returns a list containing "Hello World"
(drop (list 1 true Hello))                                       ; returns a list containing 1 and true

endsWith(String, String, String…)Boolean

Returns wether the first argument is the suffix of the following arguments

(endsWith "World" "Hello World")                                 ; returns true
(endsWith "World" "Hello Universe")                              ; returns false
(endsWith "World" "Hello World" "Hello Universe")                ; returns false
(endsWith "World" "Hello World" "By World")                      ; returns true

every(List, String, Token)Boolean

Test if every item in a list matches a predicate

every (. Items) ((x) (= 1 (. x Price)))                          ; returns 1 with the right binding in the scope

every(List, Token)Boolean

Test if every item in a list matches a predicate

every (. Items) ((x) (= 1 (. x Price)))                          ; returns 1 with the right binding in the scope

exists(List, Token)Boolean

Test if any item in a list matches a predicate

exists (list hello world) ((Item) (= (. Item) "hello"))          ; returns true
exists (list hello world) ((Item) (= (. Item) "hey!!"))          ; returns false

exists(List, String, Token)Boolean

Test if any item in a list matches a predicate

exists (list hello world) Item (= (. Item) "hello")              ; returns true
exists (list hello world) Item (= (. Item) "hey!!")              ; returns false

filter(List, Token)List

Create a new list containing items from the input list for which the block evaluates to true

filter (list 1 4 7 12 24 48) ((x) (> (. x) 10))                                                                                    ; returns "[12 24 48]"
filter (list "Sasquatch" "Front squats" "Caramel" "Cart items") ((x) (contains (. x) "squat"))                                     ; returns "["Sasquatch" "Front squats"]"


Extract all but the last word (space-separated) from a string

(firstName "Alex Unger")                                         ; returns "Alex"
(firstName "Mr Foo Bar")                                         ; returns "Mr"


Floor the decimal argument

(floor 2)                                                        ; returns 2
(floor 2.4)                                                      ; returns 2
(floor 2.5)                                                      ; returns 2
(floor 2.9)                                                      ; returns 2
(floor -2.7)                                                     ; returns -3
(floor -2)                                                       ; returns -2


Create an RFC3339 timestamp, the inverse of parseTime

(formatTime 2018-01-02T19:04:05Z)                                ; returns "2018"


Returns the first item in the list

(head (list "Hello World" "Hello Universe"))                     ; returns "Hello World"
(head (list 1 true Hello))                                       ; returns 1


Extract the hour (00-23) from a time

(hour 2018-01-14T19:04:05Z)                                      ; returns "19"


Check if a list is empty

isEmpty (list hello world)                                       ; returns "false"
isEmpty (list)                                                   ; returns "true"

item(List, Decimal)Any

Returns a specific item from a list

(item (list "Hello World" "Hello Universe") 0)                   ; returns "Hello World"
(item (list 1 true Hello) 1)                                     ; returns true
(item (list 1 true Hello) 3)                                     ; fails

join(List, String)String

Create a string by joining together a list of strings with glue

(join (list hello world) "-")                                    ; returns "hello-world"
(join (list hello world) ",")                                    ; returns "hello,world"


Create a map with any key value pairs passed as arguments.

(kv (Key1 "Hello World") (Key2 true) (Key3 123))                 ; returns a Map with the keys key1, key2, key3


Extract the last word (space-separated) from a string

(lastName "Alex Unger")                                          ; returns "Unger"
(lastName "Mr Foo Bar")                                          ; returns "Bar"


Create a list out of the children

(list "Hello World" "Hello Universe")                            ; returns a list with string items
(list 1 true Hello)                                              ; returns a list with an int, bool and string

map(List, Token)List

Create a new list by evaluating the given block for each item in the input list

(map (list "World" "Universe") ((x) (+ "Hello " (. x))))         ; returns a list containing "Hello World" and "Hello Universe"

map(List, String, Token)List

Create a new list by evaluating the given block for each item in the input list

(map (list "World" "Universe") x (+ "Hello " (. x)))             ; returns a list containing "Hello World" and "Hello Universe"

matchTime(Time, Time, String)Boolean

Checks if two times match for a given layout

matchTime 2018-03-11T00:04:05Z 2018-03-11T00:04:05Z YYYY-MM-DD   ; returns "true"


Find the largest number in the list

(max  (list 3 4 1 3 7 1 17 15 2))                                ; returns 17
(max  (list 4 2 9 2 27 1 2 422))                                 ; returns 422


Find the lowest number in the list

(min  (list 3 4 1 3 7 1 17 15 2))                                ; returns 1
(min  (list 3 4 -1 3 7 1 17 0 2))                                ; returns -1


Extract the hour (00-23) from a time

(minute 2018-01-14T19:04:05Z)                                    ; returns "04"

mod(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal…)Decimal

Modulo the arguments

(mod 1 2)                                                        ; returns 1
(mod 3 8 2)                                                      ; returns 1


Extract the month (1-12) from a time

(month 2018-01-02T19:04:05Z)                                     ; returns "1"


Extract the day (1-31) from a time

(monthDay 2018-01-14T19:04:05Z)                                  ; returns "14"


No operation



Inverts the argument

(not false)                                                      ; returns "true"
(not (not false))                                                ; returns "false"

notContains(String, String, String…)Boolean

Returns wether the first argument does not exist in the following arguments

(notContains "Hello" "Hello World")                              ; returns false
(notContains "Hello" "World")                                    ; returns true
(notContains "Hello" "Hello World" "Hello Universe")             ; returns false
(notContains "World" "Hello World" "Hello Universe")             ; returns false


Evaluates whether at least one predicate is true

(or false false false true false)                                ; returns true
(or false false)                                                 ; returns false

parseTime(String, String…)Time

Evaluates whether a timestamp is between minTime and maxTime

(parseTime "2018-01-02T19:04:05Z")                               ; returns "2018-01-02 19:04:05 +0000 UTC"
(parseTime "20:04:05Z" "HH:mm:ss")                               ; returns "2018-01-02 20:04:05 +0000 UTC"

push(List, Collection|Atom, Collection|Atom…)List

Adds an item to the list and returns the list

(push (list "Hello World" "Hello Universe") "Hello Human")       ; returns a list containing "Hello World", "Hello Universe" and "Hello Human"
(push (list 1 2) 3 4)                                            ; returns a list containing 1, 2, 3 and 4


Reverses the order of items in a given list

(reverse (list 1 2 3 4))                                         ; returns "4 3 2 1"
(reverse (list 1))                                               ; returns "1"

set(String, Collection|Atom, Collection|Atom…)Null

Set a variable in the binding

(set Key1 "Hello World")                                         ; sets Key1 to "Hello World"
(set Key2 SubKey1 true)                                          ; sets SubKey1 in map Key2 to true

setTemplate(String, Token)Any

Set a template

(setTemplate "plus(Decimal, Decimal)Decimal" (+ (# 0) (# 1)))    ; creates a template with the signature plus(Decimal, Decimal)Decimal

sort(List, Boolean…)List

Sort a list ascending, set the second argument to true for descending order

(sort  (list "World" "Universe"))                                ; returns a list containing "Universe" and "World"
(sort  (list "World" "Universe") true)                           ; returns a list containing "World" and "Universe"

sortByNumber(List, Token, Boolean)List

Sort a list numerically by value

sortByNumber (list 2 4 3 1) ((Item) (. Item)) true               ; returns [4, 3, 2, 1]
sortByNumber (list 2 4 3 1) ((Item) (. Item)) false              ; returns [1, 2, 3, 4]

sortByString(List, Token, Boolean)List

Sort a list alphabetically

sortByString (list "b" "a" "z" "t") ((Item) (. Item)) true       ; returns [a, b, t, z]
sortByString (list "b" "a" "z" "t") ((Item) (. Item)) false      ; returns [z, t, b, a]

split(String, String)List

Create a list of strings by splitting the given string at each occurrence of sep

(split "1,2,3,a" ",")                                            ; returns "1 2 3 a"
(split "1-2-3-a" "-")                                            ; returns "1 2 3 a"

startsWith(String, String, String…)Boolean

Returns wether the first argument is the prefix of the following arguments

(startsWith "Hello" "Hello World")                               ; returns true
(startsWith "Hello" "World")                                     ; returns false
(startsWith "Hello" "Hello World" "Hello Universe")              ; returns true
(startsWith "Hello" "Hello World" "Hell Universe")               ; returns false

subDuration(Time, Decimal, String)Time

Extract days from now from time

(subDuration 2018-03-18T00:04:05Z 12 minutes)                    ; returns "2018-03-17T23:52:05Z"
(subDuration 2018-03-18T00:04:05Z 17 hours)                      ; returns "2018-03-17T07:04:05Z"
(subDuration 2018-03-18T00:04:05Z 22 days)                       ; returns "2018-02-24T00:04:05Z"

sum(List, String, Token)Decimal

Test if any item in a list matches a predicate

sum (. List) Item (. Item Price)                                 ; returns 4 With the binding "$Items" containing prices: [2, 2]


Returns list without the first item

(tail (list "Hello World" "Hello Universe"))                     ; returns a list containing "Hello Universe"
(tail (list 1 true Hello))                                       ; returns a list containing true and Hello


Converts the parameter to a string

(toString 1)                                                     ; returns "1"
(toString true)                                                  ; returns "true"


Extract the week day (0-6) from a time

(weekDay 2018-01-14T19:04:05Z)                                   ; returns "3"


Extract the year from a time

(year 2018-01-02T19:04:05Z)                                      ; returns "2018"

~(String, String, String…)Boolean

Returns wether the first argument (regex) matches all of the following arguments

(~ "[a-z\s]*" "Hello World")                                     ; returns true
(~ "[a-z\s]*" "Hello W0rld")                                     ; returns false
(~ "[a-z\s]*" "Hello World" "Hello Universe")                    ; returns true
(~ "[a-z\s]*" "Hello W0rld" "Hello Universe")                    ; returns false